Saturday, July 11, 2009


The more I read the book of Acts, the more I realise that the supernatural was integral to the life of the church. The records show that believers were filled with the Spirit and did various things of a supernatural nature or experienced a supernatural event.

Acts 2:4 the believers were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages.

Acts 4:31 when the apostles had finished praying, their meeting place shook. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit …..

Acts 10:44 whilst Peter was still speaking, the Holy Spirit came to everyone who heard his message.

Acts 19:6 When Paul placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they began to talk in other languages and to speak what God revealed.

There are several other verses that speak of the disciples being ‘filled with the Holy Spirit.”

Hebrews 2 confirms this. We are asked how we will escape if we neglect our salvation, passed on by Jesus himself and those who heard him. It says that God attested to their authenticity with sermons?- No; with meetings? – No; with clergy? –No; with lots of singing? – No; by doing everything decently and in order? – No; by paying some to be religious? – No; by erecting large buildings? – No; by giving titles and positions of authority? – No; by appointing leaders? – No.

How did he attest to their authenticity then? Look at verse 4 of chapter 2. The way that God attested to their authenticity was by signs and wonders, miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit. All done or given according to his will and purpose. In other words, you don’t decide, he does.

Overall, what is missing from the church in the western world in most cases? We have organisation, order, programmes, paid leadership, degrees, manuals, repetition, sermons galore, lots of singing and expensive buildings.

But what we don’t have is supernatural signs and wonders, miracles and the gifts of the Spirit. Does that mean that if we take the words in Hebrews seriously, God does not attest to our witness, which in effect is no witness?

If that is the case, who have we got to blame? Only ourselves as it seems that reason and intellect seem to be the major mode of operation rather than relying on God to reveal his power and authority with the supernatural.

We prefer to trust the preaching (which incidentally rarely happened in the church in the New Testament as they didn’t talk about their faith they lived it) of people with various degrees or none and who have been appointed but not anointed. In other words, don’t move me out of my comfort zone.

In my discussions with atheists, intellect is everything. If the mind can compute then it must be right. Sadly the church has been duped into believing that is how it is with our relationship with God. As a result we all know about God but not many actually know him. Knowing all about him is pointless unless we know him as it means our faith is academic, not experiential.

Of course we are told we must not rely on experience for our beliefs. Let me ask you this. Is your experience of your earthy father based on your knowledge of him or your experience of him? Relationship is based on experience, not knowledge.

Please don’t let your brain get in the way of your heart. The New Testament Church depended on supernatural power to spread the gospel. We need to do the same.

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